"I've lived here most of my life," I said to Dave as we took in the 270-degree view from the top of Tank Hill. "But I've never been here. Amazing."

Tank Hill

"I've lived here most of my life," I said to Dave as we took in the 270-degree view from the top of Tank Hill. "But I've never been here. Amazing."

Tank Hill Park

A convenient bench lets the weary enjoy the view from Tank Hill.

We'd driven into the city on a sunny post-Christmas Saturday morning so Dave could water his vacationing daughter's house plants, and we decided to explore the geographical center of San Francisco by starting near the base of Sutro Tower and walking down Clarendon toward Twin Peaks Drive. To the left, we spied wood steps, and as steps are meant to be climbed, we climbed them.

Steps leading to Tank Hill

Who can resist a set of steps leading... somewhere?

We discovered a neighborhood perch, a small park that stood out looking north, east, and west over San Francisco. Many of the homes in the area, sitting along Clarendon and clinging to the hillside, have the same view, but this was the public access for the less fortunate.

View from Tank Hill

Dave strolls through Tank Hill Park for his first time.

View from Tank Hill

A look northwest to the Golden Gate Bridge.

While steps led up from Clarendon to the south, broader steps gave access to the park to the west, up from Belgrave Ave. From there, we had walking access down the hill through the Cole Valley neighborhood, Golden Gate Park, Kezar Stadium and Pavilion, and Haight-Ashbury.

Steps leading to Belgrave Ave.

Broad steps lead down to the Cole Valley neighborhood.

As we headed down the steps to Belgrave, a couple passed us to the viewpoint. "I've lived here all my life," said the woman to the man. "And I've never been here before."


Dave descending from Tank Hill

Dave heads down the steps for the rest of our walk.