While Google promised a cool, sunny, but calm morning, the reality was strong winds in Sausalito. So I got out of the car, pushed my hat firmly down on my head, zipped up my jacket, and went to see what I could see. Maybe even something new.
While Google promised a cool, sunny, but calm morning, the reality was strong winds in Sausalito. So I got out of the car, pushed my hat firmly down on my head, zipped up my jacket, and went to see what I could see. Maybe even something new.
San Francisco across the bay and through the fog, from near the Sausalito Ferry Terminal.
I chatted with Mia over text along the way, reminding her of her favorite
card shop. She suggested I buy a sandwich at
Mia’s favorite card shop. I like this bench, having spent much time waiting on it.
Mia said I couldn’t buy this boat, but could buy a nice sandwich, instead.
Along 2nd St on my way maybe, is it possible, can I get there from here, to Fort Baker, I noticed two men in white beekeeper suits tending a set of hives on their property. “The homeowners are really into the nature thing,” I heard from a woman suddenly standing next to me. “They grow their own vegetables, and raise their own honey, but this is the first time I've actually seen the drawers out of the boxes.”
Bees as pets. It’s hard remembering all their names, though.
I nodded as we watched them remove dripping honeycomb and soothe the bees swarming around them with little smoke pots. Tara introduced herself. She is a pet sitter and dog walker, and the two basset hounds accompanying her sniffed at my pants leg. We talked about local real estate, the nature of Marin County residents, and she set me up with the number of a real estate agent friend of hers. Just in case I follow my Sausalito fantasies.
A woman of many talents, Tara told me she also served as a tour guide for the area.
She warned me about narrow walkways along the road, but that I could definitely make my
way to Fort Baker from here. “And remember,” she instructed, “not one of the forts
around the Golden Gate ever fired a shot.” We waved goodbye and I walked