Elmira boards a whiskey boat in Fort Smith and escapes up the Arkansas River.

Lonesome Dove: Elmira Boards a Whiskey Boat

Elmira boards a whiskey boat in Fort Smith and escapes up the Arkansas River.

The whiskey boat stank, and the men on it stank, but Elmira was not sorry she had taken passage. She had a tiny little cubbyhole among the whiskey casks, with a few planks and some buffalo skins thrown over it to keep the rain out, but she spent most of her time sitting at the rear of the boat, watching the endless flow of brown water. Some days were so hot that the air above the water shimmered and the shore became indistinct; other days a chill rain blew and she wrapped herself in one of the buffalo robes and kept fairly dry. The rain was welcome, for it discouraged the fleas. They made her sleep uneasy, but it was a small price to pay for escaping from Fort Smith. She had lived where there were fleas before, and worse things than fleas.

Photo: Trouts Fly Fishing

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