Gus and Lorena take shelter at Adobe Walls before heading east to meet up with Call and the herd.

Lonesome Dove: Gus and Lorena Take Shelter at Adobe Walls

Gus and Lorena take shelter at Adobe Walls before heading east to meet up with Call and the herd.

There were all sizes of buttons — it gave Augustus an idea. He had a pack of cards in his saddlebags, which he quickly produced. "Let's play a few hands," he said. "The buttons can be our money." He spread a blanket near the fireplace and sorted the buttons into piles according to size. There were some large horn buttons that must have been meant for coats. "Them'll be our fifty-dollar gold pieces," he said. "These here will be tens and these little ones can be fives. This is a high-stakes game we're playing." "Don't you cheat, Gus," Lorena said suddenly. "If you cheat I won't give you no pokes." Augustus was so pleased to hear her talk that tears came into his eyes. "We're just playing for buttons, honey," he said.

Next: Call and the Herd Cross the Canadian

Previous: The Herd Crosses the Red River